Welcome to our Frequently Asked Questions. Here we bundle the most asked questions we get. So if you have a question, you might find your answer here! Otherwise, don’t hesitate to contact us.
Frequently Asked Questions
Are you short of threads?
If you have a shortage, you can always fill out our warranty form. Our customer service will help you as soon as possible and will send you the missing thread for free.
Why don't you hand out DMC numbers?
We no longer give out DMC numbers to avoid illegal copies being made. Are you short of any thread? You can always fill out our warranty form. Our customer service will make sure they send the missing threads to you for free.
We thank you for your understanding.
I would like to change some components in the kit.
That’s great! We love it when our customers get creative. Unfortunately, this is not included in the price. So would you like to change the fabric or colour of thread, then our warranty policy is not appliccable. You will have to buy these extra components yourself.
I have a kit with blue and pink yarn, but don't understand the legend.
The symbols are based on the blue design. Because there are pink colours in the blue design as well, the pink colours will sometimes have double symbols in our Pink version.
f.ex “1 = X + O”
When you are embroidering the pink version, both these symbols for number 1 are stitched in the same colour.
How to make my cross stitches on a tablecloth?
With a tablecloth it’s not necessary to count the threads of the fabric. The gap between the cross stitches is to make it clearer and easier to see. You just have to embroider the cross-stitches over the printed design, so that the crosses lie directly next to each other. When you are embroidering, you will also notice that not every cross stitch will be the same size, and that you will not always cover our printed design completely. In case you are worried, the printed design will wash out.
Aida vs. Evenweave vs. linen
Aida: stitch your cross stitches from hole to hole. Your cross stitch will cover 4 holes.
Evenweave: stitch your cross stitches over 2 threads of the fabric. Your cross stitch will cover 9 holes.
Linen: same as Evenweave, stitch over 2 threads of the fabric.
How to latch hook?
Find the tutorial here.
How to chain stitch?
Find the tutorial here.
How to prepare fabric?
Find the tutorial here.
How to long stitch?
Find the tutorial here.
Where can I find the needle in a cross stitch kit?
You can find it in the corner of the canvas.
How much thread do I need to use?
That depends on which stitch you are embroidering. You can find a scheme on the diagram of the legend in your kit. This scheme clarifies how many thread you need to use on which stitch.
What does 1/6 mean?
1 skein of DMC has 6 strands. You need to separate these first before you start embroidering. Then take 1 strand out of those 6 to make your stitches. If it says “2/6” you have to use 2 strands to make your crosses.
What does (f.ex.) "30-31" mean in the legend?
“30-31” : These are both the same colour. Our pre-production just divided this colour over 2 holes (because there are a lot of strands). Just take 2 strands of colour 30. (When the strands are gone on this number, you can start with 31.)
Why is 1 colour divided over 2 holes of the thread card?
When there is too much thread of 1 colour, this will be divided over 2 holes. So it is possible that one and the same colour is found in 2 different holes in the thread card.
How do I keep the colours of my embroidery from fading during washing??
A little trick we use is to add a dash of vinegar to the water. This keeps your colours beautiful.
What does (f.ex.) "10 + 11" mean in the legend?
“10+11” : You take 1 strand of colour 10 + 1 strand of colour 11 = 2-coloured cross stitch.
“30(31)+32(33)” : 30 and 31 are the same colour. 32 and 33 are the same colour. Just take 1 strand of nr 30 + 1 strand of nr 32 = 2-coloured cross stitch. Same as with nr 31 + 33.
A cross under the legend with 1 dark grey line. And under that another with the opposite line in dark grey. What does it mean?
Stitch your 2-coloured Cross stitches with 1 strand only. First start with the dark grey line which lies underneath. Stitch in the colour indicated. Then finish your crosses with the dark grey line that lies on top. Stitch also in the colour indicated.
How to backstitch?
Find the tutorial here.
How to cross stitch?
Find the tutorial here.
How to sew pearls to embroidery?
How to make a french knot?
Find the tutorial here.
Couldn’t find the answer you were looking for in our Frequently Asked Questions? Then don’t hesitate to contact us.
For more tips & tricks, check out our tutorials: